Rebecca will have Physical Therapy (PT), Speech, and Occupational Therapy (OT) as well as see a dietitian and follow up with the urologist. At this point, she will be seeing each of the PT, Speech, and OT once a week.
So far we have had a couple PT appointments and the therapist, Megan, is a real sweetie. Rebecca seems to be really like her and she is making progress. Megan noticed yesterday that Rebecca’s feet face each other/inwards so we will be working to get her muscles into gear.
We met with our OT, Rae, today for the first time. She was wonderful and I am excited to have her work with Rebecca. She gave several things I could work with Rebecca with at home and she was very inspiring.
Both of them mentioned that Rebecca has low/weak muscle tone in her back and legs which is what they are going to work to strengthen.
Next week we will meet our Speech therapist. The nice thing about having them all at the same place is that they are going to be able to make our appointments back to back on the same day so I don’t have to bring her in several times throughout each week.
The level of care we have received through this entire process has been amazing. We have really been able to see God’s hand in the whole process. So many of the providers we have come across are Christian and are praying for Rebecca as well. It is such a relief and very encouraging.
Thank you all for your continued prayers! I will continue to keep everyone updated.