Category Archives: Illness / Injury

Therapy continues

Rebecca will have Physical Therapy (PT), Speech, and Occupational Therapy (OT) as well as see a dietitian and follow up with the urologist. At this point, she will be seeing each of the PT, Speech, and OT once a week.

So far we have had a couple PT appointments and the therapist, Megan, is a real sweetie. Rebecca seems to be really like her and she is making progress. Megan noticed yesterday that Rebecca’s feet face each other/inwards so we will be working to get her muscles into gear.

We met with our OT, Rae, today for the first time. She was wonderful and I am excited to have her work with Rebecca. She gave several things I could work with Rebecca with at home and she was very inspiring.

Both of them mentioned that Rebecca has low/weak muscle tone in her back and legs which is what they are going to work to strengthen.

Next week we will meet our Speech therapist. The nice thing about having them all at the same place is that they are going to be able to make our appointments back to back on the same day so I don’t have to bring her in several times throughout each week.

The level of care we have received through this entire process has been amazing. We have really been able to see God’s hand in the whole process. So many of the providers we have come across are Christian and are praying for Rebecca as well. It is such a relief and very encouraging.

Thank you all for your continued prayers! I will continue to keep everyone updated.



Rebecca’s Wild Adventure in Photos

“Here are some of the pictures from our ordeal. It was a long haul but God has blessed us and we are back home now. We have many therapy appointments ahead of us but we are making progress already. Thank you for all your prayers! They are what got us through everything.”

From Rebecca’s Wild Adventure February 9, 2011, posted by Jamie Holme Crockett on 2/10/2011 (47 items)

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher


Kimberly update

Kimberly’s collarbone is healing very nicely. We were able to take the sling off this week. She is still favoring her arm at times but she was able to go into the pool and have a little fun. We go back to the specialist on Wednesday for final X-Rays. They say that she should be healed as much as before she broke her bone. YEAH. I will update more after the next appointment.


Kimberly fun

We are back from the specialist office. Kimberly’s bone has already begun to heal and new bone has started growing already. They say she can stop wearing her sling after July 4th and that we go back in 3 weeks for (probably final) X-Rays. At that point (which will be 5.5 weeks from her fall) she should be healed as much as she was 6 weeks ago today. I hope that all this makes sense. I have been trying scan the X-Rays but have been having difficulty. The attached image is a very rude copy. Since I am not being able to scan the X-Ray as I’d like, I photo-shopped it up a bit. The original bones are still above one another however the white circle is new bone growth. I “drew” lines pointing it out. They say it is healing quite nicely and that she will have a knot on her collarbone that should smooth out in time. Thank you again for all your prayers. We will definitely keep everyone posted.


Upcoming Specialist Appointment

We have another appointment with the specialist for Kimberly tomorrow. They are going to new X-Rays to see how the collarbone is healing. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you. I will post again after the appointment with the update.


News from the Specialist Appointment

Well, we went to the specialist office today and it went well enough. Kimberly was a little scared when the PA came in and she started to cry.

The PA said it would heal on it’s own – no surgery. They do not do surgery on anyone under the age of 6 or over the age of 60. He switched her harness for a sling to keep her arm immobile – although we are using both for bedtime tonight to help.

At this point, baths are okay but swimming is out – not even a wading pool allowed because she would not be able to balance.
It is early enough in the summer that we should be able to get some swimming in before the weather turns cold.

We go back in 2 weeks for more X-Rays and to see how things are healing. I will post as things come up.


What a Weekend…

Well, this weekend was quite eventful. Kimberly and I were folding laundry in the family room last night while Dustin and Caleb were downstairs getting dinner ready. When dinner was ready, Dustin called for us to come down. Kimberly got excited and ran to the door, which was shut with the safety knob on. She grabbed the knob and lifted herself up, trying to open it. When that happened, it came apart and she fell to the ground on her shoulder. We took her to the ER afterward and they took X Rays. She broke her collarbone.

This has been very hard to watch her suffer – although she is quite a trooper. They put her in a sling/harness to help and we go to a bone specialist this week. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. They say that it takes 6-8 weeks to heal but that it will probably be sooner because she is so young. I will write more as she progresses.

On a better note, Caleb took his first step on Friday.


Prayer Request and Update

Some of you heard last night, but I had a very busy day today and am slow in getting this posted. My sister called me yesterday to tell me about an accident that happened right by her house. A teen was crossing a busy road by the school across from her and was hit by a car. (3 of the 4 lanes stopped for him) His head was swelling and bleeding a lot and the ambulance rushed him to the hospital. Please continue to pray for him and his family.

The update is that he was released from the hospital today and is walking. He has a bruised lung and road burn on his face.

What a major God-miracle.

Here is an article:

For a link to the video from the news, check out:


Long Night

Last night was Halloween and Kimberly had a lot of fun. We went to the carnival at South Hills (First Baptist of Kenn). Kimberly played the games, bounced in the bouncer, and had more candy than she normally eats. When we got home, she grabbed her sippy of milk (which we did not realize until afterwards that it was left out while we were gone. Bedtime was late, around 9ish, due to the events of the evening.

Just before midnight, Kimberly started crying. I went in and she was wet (I thought from her tears) so I wiped her eyes, gave her binkie to her, and laid her back down. I went back downstairs and told Dustin that I was not sure as I did not turn on any lights, but I thought she may have thrown up. But she did not tell me that she had so I went downstairs… I know, I was tired and felt bad afterwards… About 15 minutes later, she started crying again. This time I turned on the lights. She had thrown up…twice.

Dustin came up to help me out. We cleared the bedding, started a load of laundry, gave her a bath, got her new jammies, and within 15-20 minutes, she threw up again. We decided that
we would put her in with us because we could keep a pan nearby and the crib would be more of a hassle. And like clockwork, every 15-20 minutes she continued to throw up… for 4 more hours. Around 2 am, I tried to get a hold of the doctors but was not able to reach one. About 4 am I was able to reach the on-call doctor.

She did not throw up again after 4 am (praise the Lord!) but my doctor called at 5 am and at 7:30 am I had to cancel daytime plans…then Caleb woke up at 8:30 am.

WOW, I am ready for sleep. I am happy to say that the Lord has helped us through this. Kimberly was able to finally drink some water and keep it down. My DOC had me put her on minimal intake and the BRAT diet (Bananas – Rice – Applesauce – Toast) so when she was able to keep the water down for about an hour or so and she’d had a nap, she graduated to some applesauce and toast.

Our prayers are that she continues on her path and tonight will not be as long…Dustin is not feeling very well however, so I hope that we do not have round 2 with him…

Take care,