Spring Clean Challenge: Continuing into April

07 Apr

It has been a long weekend. I know, I know…it is Wednesday… but Dustin took the past few days off and so hence, long weekend. 🙂

We were able to tackle quite a few of the projects on the list, YAY, and although we are still plugging through, it is nice to have these ones done. We also took a van load to Goodwill and the recycler.

We worked in the master bathroom/kids bath – changing out the cabinet above the toilet. We also bought some pull-out bins to convert one of the cabinets in each of the bathrooms so our hampers will be tucked away. Once they are installed, I will re-take the after pictures.

Our master closet was one of the most exciting areas to clean. After 6 1/2 years being in our home, we finally bought a closet organizer/shelving system and the results are amazing…probably my favorite area so far.

We also bought a hutch on craigslist over the weekend for our dining room to help clear up some space issues…another long overdue purchase, mainly due to cost. It is very pretty. Not the one we were looking for (and found at the local unfinished furniture store) but is also maybe one tenth of the price. Our goal with the hutch was to have a place to put our 5-gallon buckets of flour/rice/potato milk/sugar so the pantry could have a floor again. With those buckets gone and although I haven’t had the chance to organize the pantry, it looks almost as though I did 🙂

Dustin cleaned up our foyer and some of the living room while I cleaned some more countertops in the kitchen. I also worked in the family room but it has a bit more to do.

We still have a ways to go…the joys of a larger house and WAY TOO MUCH STUFF 😉 … BTW, both garbage cans are full this week…always a good sign when cleaning, right…

Have a good night.




2 Responses to Spring Clean Challenge: Continuing into April

  1. Intentionally Katie

    April 7, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Seriously WOW again! Don’t you feel so free without as much stuff cluttering each corner of the house?!? These pictures show how much hard work you put into these rooms. Awesome!

  2. Amy

    April 10, 2011 at 8:09 am

    Wow! Looks great Jamie! I am in the process clearing our our house as well. Preparing for our annual g-sale always helps me to get in the mode! It’s a great feeling to purge and clean!

    I’m glad to read that Rebecca is doing better! Answer to prayer!
    Miss you!


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