Prayers and Praises – My Grandparents

01 Apr

My grandparents were in a car accident the other day in Colville. My grandpa didn’t see a car and pulled onto the highway in front of it. They were T-boned and their car was totaled but the people in the other car were okay and my grandparents are recovering very well, praise the Lord.

My grandma has a broken rib and finger, cracked pelvis, bruised kidney, and she is sore from the air bag. She has been up to walk a couple times, and on Monday will go to a nursing home (where my aunt and cousin work) for a couple weeks before returning home.

My grandpa had a broken hip and was taken to Spokane for surgery. When he got there, he had some bleeding on his brain and an air pocket on his lung. He was taken to ICU where his heart rate was extremely high for a couple hours. However, his heart rate came back down, he was able to have his surgery to repair his hip, and has since been taken out of ICU. I am not sure when he be released to go home yet.

Their recovery has been amazing. Thank you to those of you who have been praying for them. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they move forward.

God is so great!



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