Our goal is to get Rebecca’s intake up to 32 ounces per day, feeding her 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours. Three of her feedings have to include table food where we start with soft/purees/ground food then add crunchier/breadier/solids and finishing with a bottle.
Well, today was a good day for her. A few of her meals today included:
at bible study this morning, she had 6 ounces;Â at lunchtime she ate a full container of stage 2 gerber food, apples and cherries, along with 1/2 a graham cracker sheet and 7 ounces; she had another 6 ounces for Grandma while I took Kimberly to the doctor; for dinner, she ate beef noodles, olives, applesauce, 4 ounces; and at bedtime she had another 6 ounces (that is 29 ounces)
This is amazing! When we left the hospital, she was having a difficult time taking in 12 ounces in a day. If she hasn’t gained more weight this week, I will be amazed.
She has made such remarkable progress. We have more therapy tomorrow. We meet our speech therapist and continue with PT and OT. I will continue to update everyone on her progress.
Thank you all for your prayers.